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- Diseño DAS
Servicios de diseño para sistemas de antena distribuida (DAS)
Una amplia gama de obstáculos se interponen entre tu objetivo de mejorar la cobertura celular, mejorar los datos dentro de tu establecimiento. Aspectos como el grosor y la densidad de la pared, el espacio disponible para el tendido del cableado, la concentración de cobertura de banda ancha. Proporcionar cobertura en las áreas subterráneas, escaleras, estacionamientos remotos, también es algo a tener en cuenta al diseñar su sistema DAS.
Los edificios de varios pisos presentan diferentes desafíos que las estructuras de un solo nivel para incluir si elegir o no cable coaxial en lugar de fibra y cómo y dónde dividir las unidades remotas para optimizar su inversión mientras cumple con todos los códigos de construcción locales. Los servicios de ingeniería generalmente se utilizan para ayudar a trazar el espacio interior en cuestión para determinar qué equipo se necesitará y para diseñar el esquema de los tendidos de cables y la ubicación de los divisores, los puntos de acceso y otros equipos clave.
Winncom ayuda a nuestros clientes con el diseño de la distribución de cobertura de RF más eficiente posible dentro del alcance de su proyecto DAS. Los servicios de consultoría de Winncom lo cubren durante todo el espectro del proyecto y más allá, manteniéndose fiel a nuestra promesa de DISEÑAR • ENTREGAR • MONITOREAR • GESTIONAR.
Winncom Technologies Certified Engineers utilize the most current tools when designing wireless systems.

For any questions regarding DAS systems, please contact Winncom's professional team today: 1-888-WINNCOM or sales@winncom.com, or fill out the form below.
Servicios de Diseño DAS

DAS Design Services for Cel-Fi by Nextivity
• Required carriers
• Building address (optional)
• Building blueprints (optional)
• Total square footage and percentage of areas types in the building (open area/cubical/small offices/small rooms)
• RSRP/RSSI readings at potential donor antenna location (optional)
• Signal source type (Small cell/Donor antenna installed outside/Donor antenna installed inside)
• General idea on possible equipment layout (optional)
• Rough order of magnitude BOM containing:
- Nextivity parts
- Major passives
Estimate is based on required coverage area, type of environment
• Internal ROM tool
• Power Point
Price: FREE

• Required carriers
• Building address
• Building blueprints with:
- Scale
- Indication of required coverage areas
- Potential donor antenna/small cell location
- Potential Network Units installation location(s)
- RSRP/RSSI readings at potential donor antenna location (optional)
• Signal source type (Small cell/Donor antenna installed outside/Donor antenna installed inside)
• RF and CAT5/6 cable requirements (Plenum, fire retardant or regular)
• General idea on possible equipment layout w/antenna contours
• Rough order of magnitude BOM containing:
- Nextivity parts
- Major passives
Estimate is based on scaled building blueprint, type of environment, antenna contours, proposed components layout is taken into consideration for passives estimation
• iBwave Design (quick estimation, no heatmaps)
• Power Point
Price: $250

• Required carriers
• Building address
• Building blueprints with:
- Scale
- Indication of required coverage areas
- Potential donor antenna/small cell location
- Potential Network Units installation location(s)
• RSRP/RSSI readings at donor antenna location (on roof and/or in the room)
• Preferred paths of cable runs for coax (donor antenna-to-NU), and CAT5 (NU to CUs)
• Floor height
• Walls materials and thickness
• Signal source type (Small cell/Donor antenna installed outside/Donor antenna installed inside)
• RF and CAT5/6 cable requirements (Plenum, fire retardant or regular)
• Heatmaps
• Cable routing report
• System design
• Preliminary bill of materials with all major components needed
Estimate is based on full iBwave system design with propagation studies
• iBwave Design (building design/system design/signal propagation/cable routing)
• Power Point
Price: $400-1000* depending on the coverage area
* Half the cost is credited back in equipment quoteADDITIONAL SERVICES
WPSS-NXTQ12K-CFG - Cel-Fi Quatra 1000/2000 Provisioning.
Includes Registration, Pre-configuration, Testing for (1) NU and up to (4) CUs.
WPSS-NXTQ4K-CFG - Cel-Fi Quatra 4 Provisioning.
Includes Registration, Pre-configuration, Testing for (1) NU and up to (4) CUs.
WPSS-SITE-SURV-PD - Site Survey for DAS and other projects.
Soluciones DAS para Seguridad Pública e Industrial
Multi-Vendor Public Safety and Industrial DAS Design Services
Supporting following brands: Bird, Ericson, Fiplex, Solid, Westell.
• Required carriers
- Required PS frequencies
- Required BDA Class (class A, class B)
- BBU requirements
• Building address (optional)
• Building blueprints (optional)
• Total square footage and percentage of areas types in the building (open area/cubical/small offices/small rooms)
• RSRP/RSSI readings at potential donor antenna location (optional)
• Signal source type (Small cell/Donor antenna installed outside/Donor antenna installed inside)
• General idea on possible equipment layout (optional)
• Rough order of magnitude BOM containing:
- Vendor parts
- Major passives
Estimate is based on required coverage area, type of environment
• Internal ROM tool
• Power Point
Price: FREE

• Required carriers
- Required PS frequencies
- Required BDA Class (class A, class B)
- BBU requirements
• Building address
• Building blueprints with:
- Scale
- Indication of required coverage areas
- Potential donor antenna/small cell location
- Potential Network Units installation location(s)
• RSRP/RSSI readings at donor antenna location (on roof and/or in the room)
• Preferred paths of cable runs for coax (donor antenna-to-NU), and CAT5 (NU to CUs)
• Floor height
• Walls materials and thickness
• Signal source type (Small cell/Donor antenna installed outside/Donor antenna installed inside)
• RF and CAT5/6 cable requirements (Plenum, fire retardant or regular)

• Heatmaps
• Cable routing report
• System design
• Preliminary bill of materials with all major components needed
Estimate is based on full iBwave system design with propagation studies
• iBwave Design (building design/system design/signal propagation/cable routing)
• Power Point
Price: $2500-7000* depending on the coverage area
* Half the cost is credited back in equipment quoteWinncom Engineering Services Form
Please fill out the form below and our expert engineers will get back to you ASAP.