About Firetide
Firetide, Inc. is a privately held wireless technology company that develops networking equipment for video surveillance, Internet access, public safety, and temporary networks wherever rapid deployment, mobility, and ease of installation are required.
Firetide provides the highest performance fixed and mobile wireless IP network infrastructure products that enable concurrent video, voice and data applications for government, transportation, education and commercial customers . The company’s products are used to build private wireless mesh infrastructure and access networks for indoor and outdoor use that are highly reliable and secure. Founded in 2003, Firetide is based in Campbell, California, with operations throughout the Americas, Europe, and Asia Pacific regions. Firetide has an installed base of thousands of customers in 40 countries around the world.
Firetide Featured Product

Infrastructure mesh technology from Firetide provides municipal, industrial and enterprise users with the bandwidth needed to expand the reach of their existing networks, while adding a variety of fixed and mobile applications: city-wide video surveillance, traffic management and intelligent transportation systems, Wi-Fi access for mobile city workers and wireless broadband for underserved areas.
HotPort® 7000 mesh nodes ship as 802.11a/b/g/n dual-radio capable hardware, with enhanced functionality enabled through software licenses. Projects that do not require 802.11n MIMO (multiple input, multiple output) capacity or dual-radio capability can start with 802.11a/b/g-enabled singleradio configuration. Dual-radio functionality can easily be enabled through a software license at an additional cost. Similarly, a separate software license can enable MIMO functionality for operation in 40 MHz channels, and to take advantage of 802.11n technology to achieve throughput of up to 300 Mbps both outdoors and indoors.
Unlike wired networks, where deployment is cumbersome, the self-forming nature of the Firetide mesh network ensures rapid deployment of large-scale networks. The HotPort 7000 mesh features integrated spectrum analysis, network capacity planning and antenna alignment tools for easier deployments and network management.
The HotPort 7000 nodes form a multipoint to multi-point ad hoc wireless mesh network with no single point of failure. Unlike a wired network, where a cut in the cable could take several days to resolve, the Firetide mesh routes the traffic immediately on an alternate link ensuring continuous service and network availability.
To maximize performance, dual-radio HotPort 7000 nodes support two radio modes. In the "bonded" mode, both radios are combined to operate as a single unit that provides double the bandwidth of a single radio equivalent. In the ''linear'' mode, both radios operate independently enabling sustained bandwidth levels over an unlimited number of hops. This enables long linear topologies, such as when networking a railway line, and provides a sustained level of service to every node, which is also critical for large municipal networks.
Firetide's patented AutoMesh™ flow based routing protocol supports advanced load balancing and congestion control mechanisms for optimal routing within the mesh network. The HotPort 7000 mesh infrastructure also provides extensive VLAN capabilities critical for deploying a multi-service network on a large scale.
Firetide Solutions
Public safety has never been more critical - or more difficult - than it is today. A strong public safety practice is founded on two core principles: constant vigilance and seamless communications. A failure on either front can be catastrophic. The world that these police, fire departments, first responders and other public safety organizations must protect is an increasingly mobile one, both in assets and people. And traditional networks simply can’t keep up.
Public safety officials are also finding that relying on voice and data - the core capabilities of these traditional networks - isn’t enough. Video is now the most important component of their surveillance and monitoring programs.
Firetide is the force behind ‘next-generation technology’ making communications immediate and constant. Compatible with any existing equipment, network or software, Firetide technology can handle voice, data and video seamlessly, making it ideal for the demands of the public safety arena.
It is this support for video - the most demanding of media types - that separates Firetide from all the rest.
Case Study - City of Mission, TX
Case Study - City of Houston, TX
Supporting the needs of the mobile and fast-moving transportation industry is the biggest challenge facing our industry today. Due to the high speeds and constant transitions in location, traditional solutions simply can’t keep up with the needs of this demanding industry.
Transportation safety today relies on two components:
• The ability to monitor and protect their assets, no matter where they are or how fast they’re moving
• The ability to monitor these assets in real time-with video
Firetide is the only technology built from the ground up with mobility and video in mind, and is the force behind ‘next-generation technology’ making communications immediate and constant. Compatible with existing equipment, network or software.
Firetide technology can handle voice, data and video seamlessly, making it ideal for the demands of the transportation industry. Firetide’s unparalleled mobility capabilities make it the technology of choice for Emergency Operations Centers as they attempt to respond and recover from disasters, including communications with command vehicles and ambulances as well as disaster recovery for voice, video and data.
Firetide is the acknowledged leader focused on expanding the benefits and capabilities of our technology to today’s fast-moving trains, subways, buses and public safety vehicles. Operating at sustained speeds of up to 100 mph, our patented technologies provide the only proven solutions capable of supporting high-definition video streams and seamless roaming across extended distances.
Case Study - Seoul, Korea's Subway System
The needs of the industrial automation industry continue to expand in both volume and complexity on an almost daily basis. Industry professionals have to not only protect their assets with reliable, high-performance video surveillance, they need to be able to support and gather data from all these assets, both fixed and mobile.
Firetide is the only technology built from the ground up with mobility and video in mind. Our patented technology provides the industrial automation industry with a number of unique benefits, including:
• Rapid deployment
• Significant material and installation savings
• Reduction of OSHA involvement by reducing danger to workers with remote surveillance
• Expedited ROI on both CAPEX and OPEX
Case Study - Ray Cammack Shows
Case Study - Victorville Water District
Being able to communicate measurable and time-sensitive messages is key to supporting and satisfying the demands of public audiences in multiple environments today.
Digital signage is an effective method of disseminating time-sensitive messages, boosting engagement, productivity, and brand awareness. Communicating via Digital signage can quickly create an organized environment, connecting disparate audiences by displaying live feeds of important information such as news, financial reports and emergency information.
Because it is easily programmable and allows for rapidly changing content, most digital signage has the capability to be interactive, giving everyone a more personal relationship with a community, brand or product. Messages communicated through digital signage reach people repeatedly in multiple locations throughout their day giving them the most relevant information necessary to manage their time and tasks.
Firetide is the force behind ‘next-generation technology’ making communications immediate and constant. Compatible with any existing equipment, network or software, Firetide technology can handle voice, data and video seamlessly, making it ideal for the demands of the media and communications companies in their digital signage solutions.